As the temperature gradually climbs as we move closer to the first day of summer, we always wonder what kind of summer it will be. This year, the Western Colorado summer may be hotter than normal.

In recent days, we have been hearing about the global transition from El Nino to La Nina and wondering what effect we might see on our weather patterns this summer. According to NOAA, we aren't likely to see a significant influence on our summer climate.

But NOAA's Climate Prediction Center says that much of the nation has a high probability of seeing above normal temperatures this summer.

While the western and the northeastern United States are showing the greatest chances for above normal temperatures, 60-70%, western Colorado is showing a 30-50% chance of being hotter than normal.

They point out that the chances for above normal weather do not indicate how much above normal it is expected to be. Normal high temperatures for June in the Grand Valley would range from 81 degrees at the beginning of the month to around 92 degrees by the end of the month.

Regardless of what happens, we certainly can expect the western Colorado summer to be hot, so get those swamp coolers and air conditioners fired up and ready to go.

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