Super Bowl XLVIII was so lop-sided it would be easy to think that maybe the Denver Broncos lost on purpose. Was the biggest game of the year rigged?A report on the Huzlers website suggests the Denver Broncos lost the game purposely in exchange for a large sum of money. The reports quotes an official as saying he overheard Peyton Manning ask Seattle Head Coach "When are you going to pay up?" The website says the NFL is launching an official investigation.

Does anyone in their right mind actually believe the Broncos would throw the biggest game of the year? I doubt it, but just in case, our friends at snopes assure us this is not the case.

Snopes says the article was just a "fictitious bit of sporting spoof." Even the disclaimer on the Huzlers website states the site is a "combination of real shocking news and satire news to keep its visitors in a state of disbelief." This is one you should not believe.

While Denver Broncos fans would like to believe there is a logical explanation for their team's performance, the fact is they were beaten by a better, quicker, more physical, more talented, and better prepared football team.

Ouch! Sometimes the truth hurts!

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