Pac-Man is invading the streets of Grand Junction thanks to the help from Google Maps. Toss in your quarters and get ready to play.

Get ready to waste hours upon hours of your employers time!

Known for their tomfoolery on April Fools' Day, Google is kicking off April Fools'Day a bit early this year.

Google Maps Pac-Man
Google Maps

Transporting you back to an 80s arcade, Google Maps will transform the streets of Grand Junction into a Pac-Man game. Once you go to the Google Maps page, you'll see a little icon at the bottom that looks like a Pac-Man game. Click on that, and it'll zoom into your current location.

Use the arrow keys to collect the pellets, while avoiding Inky, Pinky, Blinky and Clyde or gobble up a power-pellet to chase the ghosts around. You know how to play Pac-Man.

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