The 141st Kentucky Derby will be held Saturday, May 2, and any good Southerner knows that Derby Day means one thing: PARTY TIME. I'm here to help take your celebration to the next level with my favorite Derby treats. Check it out, y'all!

I lived in the Bluegrass State for about a decade. I never actually went to the Derby because a) I hate big crowds and b) I a broke college kid, and Derby ain't exactly for us poor folk. I have, however, attended and hosted my fair share of Derby parties.

Your party can include whatever you want. Meg don't judge--but... if you want this celebration to be legit, I suggest adding the following to the menu (be sure to click on each one; I've written recipes for y'all because I am cool like that).

Meg's Derby Party Essentials

Bourbon (provided you're 21 and over, OBVS)

Mint Juleps: the official drink of the Derby. They're refreshing and make me feel like an elitist when I drink them, especially if I use a fancy glass.

Kentucky Hot Brown: This is a sandwich, not a NSFW Urban Dictionary search. It's an open-faced turkey sandwich covered in bacon, tomatoes, and cheese. Hot Browns are the apex of mankind's sandwich creating achievements; they're the pinnacle of sandwichery. <--that's probably not an actual word, but whatevs. Hot Browns are delish, and I reccomend making buying one ASAP.

Country Ham Biscuits: I would say about 80% of fancy parties I attended while living in Kentucky included little country ham biscuits. Why, you ask? Because salty, wonderful country ham wrapped in a fluffy buttermilk biscuit is like a hug from the Lord. You cannot go wrong here--unless you buy city ham. If you don't know the difference, maybe examine your life and your priorities and come back when you've gained some hammy perspective.

Famous Equestrian Event in the Bluegrass State Pie: The name "Derby Pie" is trademarked by its creator, Kern's Kitchen, so... I got a little fancy with the name. This is seriously my FAVORITE pie. It's got bourbon, vanilla, butter, sugar, chocolate, and pecans--all the best things in one flaky pie shell. I make Bluegrass Pony Party Pies and bring them to the station every year. Don't you wish you had cool coworkers like me?

Want more Derby? Check out the official website for the 2015 Kentucky Derby HERE or read the legendary Hunter S. Thompson Derby piece HERE.

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