A 32-year-old Grand Junction woman has made the pages of the national tabloid paper Globe.

In this particular case, no alien abductions, Elvis sightings, or secret love children were involved. There was, however, a super-diet.

Celia Shroder, a Grand Junction mother of four, lost an amazing 224 pounds. Her incredible weight loss took her from a weight of 386 pounds down to a slender 162.

The current copy of Globe, dated December 26, 2016, features a fascinating article describing Shroder's experiences and motivations regarding her drastic weight loss.

In addition to appearing in the Globe, Shroder's story was featured at Dailymail.com. That article includes Celia's "before and after" diet.

My self-perception is much better. It's helped my confidence and now I finally feel comfortable in my own body. Now when I look at myself in the mirror I like what I see for the first time in my life.- Celia Shroder - DailyMail.com

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