On Saturday (Dec. 13) 756 skiers and snowboards dressed as Santa Claus set a world record in Crested Butted during their 2nd annual Santa Ski Day. Check out our great photos and video of the event.

In 2013, Crested Butte and Iron Orchid Events introduced the Santa Ski Day, hosting 423 skiers and snowboarders dressed in velvety red Santa suits. This was just shy of the current world record of 500 Santas shredding the hill.

This year, they surpassed the current world record with 756 Santas, setting a new world record.

To participate, all Santas had to adorn a Santa hat, top, pants and beard to qualify for a Santa Ski lift ticket.

Many upped the creativity with their costumes, including Elvis Santa (photo attached), dreadlocked Santas, punk rock Santas – the gamut was wild.

If you missed this year's Santa Ski Day, the third annual is scheduled for December 12, 2015.

Photos from the Second Annual Santa Ski Day

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